Select “Donate” above to make a donation or payment. The button will take you to a PayPal page at which you can enter the purpose (e.g., for a Kabbalat Shabbat) of your payment or instructions about your donation.
Beth El-The Heights appreciates your donations and uses them for building upkeep and operations. But we do more than patch the roof, replace carpets, or repair the elevator. Donations from congregants and others affirm our meaningful relationships, shared values, and a sense that our stories are connected to the larger story of building a vibrant Jewish community. Our story began with Rabbi David Genuth and a committed congregation in 1948. We are dedicated to continuing our story today, and for our children tomorrow.
If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one, commemorate a simcha, or simply show your appreciation for the Beth El-The Heights Synagogue community, we welcome your donation in any amount. If you would like your donation to be for a specific purpose, here is a list of donation options.
What do you want your donation or payment to support?
The first page after you select “Donate” lets you enter an amount and choose PayPal or credit card. If you choose PayPal, once you log in you can select “Add any notes about this donation:” and enter your instructions in your notes. If you choose credit card, you can select “Add any notes about this donation:” in the middle of the page.
If you have questions about making a donation, please contact our President or call the Beth El-The Heights main office at 216-320-9667.