Events in March 2025
Rosh Chodesh Adar Meditation Walk 8:30 amContact Kirby Date at [email protected] or see the group blog at if you need further information.Shabbat morning services 9:15 amBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Main SanctuaryJoel Genuth is sponsoring Kiddush in memory of his grandparents, Anna and David Genuth, whose Yahrzeits were announced on February 15 and March 1, respectively. 12:15 pmBE-THS Social Hall -
Monthly Board Meeting 7:00 pm – 8:30 pmBE-THS Social Hall -
Mishna Study Group will meet to do some learning related to the upcoming holidays, starting of course with Purim and then Passover. 7:30 pmZoom – See linkIn this case, some Gemara from Tractate Megillah, which goes over some Aggadic material related to the story of Vashti. Neither the King nor Vashti come out looking too good in Midrashic sources, which is probably not surprising. Ahaverosh is seen as foolish and ineffective – the man who killed his wife on the… -
Nariya musical Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner. 6:00 pmFriday, March 7 6:00 pm – Nariya musical Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by dinner. Services will be followed by dinner about 7:15 pm. Prepaid registration is required by Tuesday, March 4, at if you wish to stay for dinner. The suggested cost per person for the dinner is $12-$14; Nariya asks for a sliding scale… -
Shabbat morning services 9:15 amBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Main SanctuaryDuring the Torah reading, Rabbi Micah Shapiro will lead a circle of song and reflection that centers on the Jewish tradition of singing nigunim, or sacred wordless melodies. 10:15 am – 11:15 amBE-THS Community Room -
Erev Purim: Ma’ariv, followed by Megillah reading and hamentaschen! 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm -
Shabbat morning services 9:15 amBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Main SanctuaryJosh Davidson and Rabbi Bec Richman are sponsoring Kiddush IHO their new son. 12:15 pmBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Social Hall -
Kabbalat Shabbat services, followed by pescatarian dinner. 6:30 pm -
Shabbat morning services 9:15 amBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Main SanctuaryJeanette Buchwald is sponsoring Kiddush in memory of her husband, Frank Buchwald z”l, on his first Yahrzeit. 12:15 pmBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Social Hall -
Shabbat morning services 9:15 amBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Main SanctuaryBud Stern & Ruth Cantleberry are sponsoring Kiddush 12:15 pm – 2:30 pmBeth El –The Heights Synagogue, Social HallMonthly Kiddush recognizing all who have observed Yahrzeits this month, sponsored by Chesed. 12:15 pmBE-THS Social Hall -
Rosh Chodesh Nisan Meditation Walk – Rain, clouds, or shine! 8:30 amContact Kirby Date at [email protected] or see the group blog at if you need further information.